11098Dry herb vaping has hit the scene, and entirely changed the possibilities for those who make use of herbal goodness. And yes, the most obvious herbal reference may be towards marijuana, however dry herb vaping for many extends beyond cannabis. Did you know that dry herb vaporizers can be used with all varieties of herbs, including popular favorites like lavender (relaxing), chamomile (sleep-inducing), peppermint (energizes and soothes an upset belly)?

It’s true. Herbal remedies have become increasingly more common in recent years, as more people become health conscious and look for alternate options for maintaining wellness. More and more people have started to realize that with drugs, often additional side effects and other problems can arise, and what of the underlying problems not fully addressed by drugs? Many have realized that a more holistic approach to common ailments, such as getting a good night’s rest, staying focused, and boosting their immune systems can be aided with the implementation of natural herbs and supplements.

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Also known as flower vapes, marijuana vaporizers, cannabis vapes, and portable herb vape pens, these innovative devices have totally changed how herbs can be used. Humans have always made use of naturally grown herbs, with smoking them, brewing them, and processing them into capsules being the most common ways to consume them. Dry herb vaping, on the other hand, particularly with devices that can be loaded with actual herbs, such as the VaporFi Orbit, offer the simplest way to use them, without going through the effort often involved in other methods of obtaining their inherent powers. The result? An incredibly clean, smoke-free, often mess-free, discreet way to enjoy the power of nature’s herbs; cannabis or not!

While the standard methods of taking herbs, such as dried and in capsule form, with teas, extracts, and consuming on their own have been done for ages, vaping them has become a very acceptable, popular, and fun way to reap the benefits of these elixirs from nature.

Vapor is a clean method, similar to the effectiveness of smoke, without the actual nuisances that come with smoke. Teas require brewing, and not everyone is down with herbal tea. Capsule-packed herbs can leave one to question their potency, as well as freshness. And, actually ingesting herbs may not be the most delectable way to use them. Vapor has the ability to discreetly, conveniently, and odorless-ly solves these problems! So, enjoy your herbage!

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