c21b8b3801f27d9163ee22b7f55db0eeAre you aware of all the amazing ways switching to vaping can rock your world? Yeah, you are probably knowledgeable of all the scientific stuff; how bad tobacco is, why smoke sucks, and how tar can stick around long after the odor has dissipated, but what about the other side of the coin? The one directly related to your wellbeing and happiness? Here is a look at how switching to electronic cigs can do wonders for your life, and boost the positivity!

-Convenience: we all need more of this because 24 hours in a single day is never, ever enough! Getting more done faster and being able to cut corners has immense benefits, including making life more pleasant and freeing up time to be able to do stuff you actually want to; aside from college classes and putting time on the clock at work, aren’t their pursuits that require you to totally enjoy yourself? Factor in more convenience to make it happen!

-Less stress: Smoking comes with a lot of stress; where to smoke, when to smoke, who’s having an issue with you smoking, worrying about your health as a result of smoking, whether you smell like an ashtray, whether your teeth look bad, will you have time to smoke, did you remember to buy smokes… all of these little worries add up to big, constant worries. Why not kick these to the curb with the traditional cigarettes, and go with vapor cigs, which can be used in countless public places, add more convenience, and are simpler to use.

-More fun: Electronic cigarettes and vaporizers are totally more fun than traditional cigarettes. They go more places, allow you to go more places, and knowing you have so many more options with them, you have the ability to enjoy yourself more when using them. Grab a vaporizer starter kit ASAP!

-Being clean rocks: Ash is dirty, cigarette butts are nasty, and both start accumulating quickly. Your life will be much nicer if you can keep it clean, and e-cigs are the perfect way to get on this path. No butts, no ash, no continuous stream of filth.

-Better image: If you can about how others perceive you, smoking cigarettes can really tarnish your image. Vapor shows you are more modern and conscious of your health, and wouldn’t that make for a better outward appearance?

Switching to e-cigarettes can benefit your life in tons of ways, and really make daily living all the more enjoyable. If smoking cigarettes is still your thing, give vapor cigs a  try to see if vapor makes thing better!