WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Gaining the Upper Hand on Smoking

Old habits die hard, right? Here are five strategies you can use to overcome the temptation of tobacco cigarettes


In another article, we give some advice on how to make a smooth switch to vaporizer cigarettes, which includes tips from those of us who've been there, done that. For instance, remembering that the first week is the hardest, transitioning at your own pace, and choosing an appropriate nicotine strength are all stellar ideas.

But we also know that sometimes it's tough to get where you want to be when you keep getting tripped up on old habits.

So to help you finally gain the upper hand on your smoking habit, here are 5 simple, but effective strategies that long-time smokers should try:


It's awesome that you are ready to do something about your tobacco consumption, but that isn't enough. First, you need to figure out an important question: Why? As cliché as it sounds, motivation is key to accomplishing your goals. Maybe the thought of exposing your family to secondhand smoke bothers you, or perhaps you are committed to helping our environment by doing your part to eliminate cigarette butt litter. Whatever the reason, try to remind yourself of the why whenever you experience the urge to light up. You may even consider making physical reminders and hanging them up somewhere you'll see it regularly, such as taped on a mirror.


If you're uncomfortable with tossing your tobacco cigarettes in the trash right from the start, then don't. In fact, experts say 95% of people who try to quit smoking cold-turkey fail. Curbing your smoking habit is challenging enough without having to stress about being unable to turn back. However, at the same time, it's counterproductive to leave your tobacco cigarettes lying around for convenient access. Consider "hiding" your smokes from yourself by putting them away someplace where they'll still accessible if needed, but out of the way. Some people use the trunk of their car or a basement/attic. As the saying goes: "Out of sight, out of mind."


One of the surest ways to forsake your goals is to not to tell anyone about them. Reaching out to close friends and family will help remind you that you're not alone when the going gets tough. Loved ones can offer encouragement when you need it most. Support groups are also great motivators. It's more difficult to turn back on a promise when you risk disappointing not only yourself, but also the people you love.

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The smell of cigarette smoke gets on (and in) everything. To a non-smoker, the odor can be unbearable; but to long-time smokers, it can be a nostalgic reminder of a bad habit. If you're serious about switching to vaporizer cigarettes, we suggest giving your home, car, and any other place where you used to smoke a thorough cleaning to wash off the smell, not to mention the layers of dust and ash that have accumulated over the years from smoking. Vaporizers emit odorless, ash-less water vapor, so you won't have to worry about the "smoking stench" going forward.


And finally, it can be easy to focus on your failures, but don't forget to reward yourself for your successes. For instance, when you've reached a milestone, splurge and buy yourself that new gizmo you've been eyeing, or some much-deserved R&R at the spa, or a cool new e-cig accessory. It's important to remember to invest in yourself and your happiness every once in a while too.

We hope these tips have given you some ideas on attaining your goals this year—whether it's cutting back on your smoking habit or switching to vaporizers entirely. For more information about vaping and why it is the best alternative to tobacco cigarettes, we invite you to browse through our blog and knowledge center.